Sunday, November 27, 2011

UKM dan Bufday mama.

Salam all.

 Yesterday i went to UKM.First time ok.Never been there before.After completing our shoot for english assignment at Nilai 3,me and my three other friends singgah kat UKM.The purpose i went there is to pick up the physics book.Actually,my dear friend En Tarmizi Ismail willing to help me to borrow the book.Thanks ya!
 Once i reached there,my friend(Ieza) and me asked the security guard the way to Perpustakaan Tun Sri Lanang.Yea,it's the first time been there.Then,we park the car in front of the library.Waiting and waiting till Kak Azemah came.Bak kata En Tarmizi,dia hero time tu.Ye la,basah kena hujan time nak bagi buku pada Kak Azemah untuk diserahkan pada saya.Thanks again En Tarmizi.:) And alhamdulillah,telekung berjaya sampai ke tangannya.Nice katanya:)alhamdulillah again...

And today,is my beloved mom's birthday!!!
Selamat hari lahir mama!

But I'm not home to celebrate this day.
It's ok lah.
Pagi tadi lepas solat subuh i called my mum.
Ceria suara mama hari ni,alhamdulillah.
Moga selamanya mama ceria.Amin..

There's no word in this world can describe the love you give to me,
No such word.

Since i was born,
You give me two presents,
A happy tears and a kiss.

You're my teacher,
You're my teddy bear,
You're my chef,
You're my designer,
You're my bestfriend..

You're everything to me, mom.

Selamanya aku berharap kamu bahagia.Ameen..

You did a lot to me.
*tears come out*

That's all.


  1. sama-sama..kita ni adalah saudara sesama Islam..tolong menolong tu wajib ats kita demi agama,bangsa dan negara.nanti kalau ada apa-apa ckp ja ok..InsyaAllah akan membantu sedaya upaya..pasal hero tu em xdelah hero pun..hihi

  2. :)
    hero la,kena hujan :P
    btw,tq again.
